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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Patent Leather and Lace Pictures

Hey Everyone,
A little over a month ago I posted about a boudoir shoot I worked on with Caught You On Camera and what fun it was and today I have images from the shoot. I was so excited to get them as they were a surprise to her new husband which is why I couldn't share them with you earlier. All the pictures came out so beautiful and if you follow me on Facebook then you have probably seen a few of them. As you may remember I was inspired by January Jones' Marie Clair cover. I was also very excited to see that everything came out beautifully and so classic of Caught You On Camera's style. 

Like what you see and want to schedule a boudoir shoot contact Whitney with Caught You On Camera. You can find her on Facebook or visit her website

Don't forget to "Like" my Facebook page

Monday, May 7, 2012

A picture is worth a 1000 words

Finally, I am getting around to posting these pictures of Megan Cotton's wedding! I had such a great time with this bride and all of her bridesmaids. Whitney @ Caught You On Camera took some excellent pictures. I really like the ones of my brushes too very good for future promotional use. 

Friday, May 4, 2012

10 Things

10 Things
1. It's Friday, bring on the weekend!!! 
2. Last night I made 3 meals and 2 desserts in an hour and half. Planning is key in my house. 
3. Tomorrow is Cinco de Mayo! Mexican Food is the best
4. My arms, shoulders, abs, legs, are sore from Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 Week 4 workout! 
5. Speaking of workouts, it has been almost 3 months since I started working out. One of the best decisions I have made for myself. 
6. I don't consider eating healthy as a diet but a life style change. 
7. Skincare is vital and if you don't take care of your skin it won't love you back when your older. 
8. 12 days til I go back to the beach with "The Family" and I get to see my nephews :) 
9. I need more makeup consults/appointments, I love working with people so where are all my awesome clients hiding? hehe 
10. Our neighborhood pool is finally open! 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Simple Skincare

Hey Everyone,
I want to share my review on Simple Skincare. As most of you know I have normal/combo skin type but in addition it is also very sensitive. I have a hard time finding skincare products that are not irritating to my skin. In the past I have used the high end brand Kinerase, when I got it at a deep discount or sometimes free.  These days $33 for cleanser and $110 for moisturizer at full retail just isn't in my beauty budget.  Since I finished my last deep discounted bottle of Kinerase cleanser and moisturizer, I have been searching for a replacement. Until now I haven't had any luck with drugstore brands and even some moderately priced high end brands.

I first heard about Simple Skincare on tv commercial. They claimed to be the #1 skincare line in the UK and that they were perfect for sensitive skin. The company claims their products were the first cleanser in the UK to not have dyes, artificial fragrance, or other harsh skin irritants. For me this is a selling point. Anything that has fragrance usually dries out my skin or irritates my skin. I decided to pick up the cleansing cloths (I'm lazy at night) and the Hydrating Light Moisturizer. I like for my moisturizer to be light and breathable especially in the Spring in Summer months when my skin tends to be a bit more temperamental.

Let's talk about the important stuff: INGREGIDENTS!!
We all know that companies can claim what they want on the packaging but just like food you really have to look at the back at the ingredients and facts to see if what the company claims is actually true. In cleansing clothes I always look to see if one of the ingredients is alcohol if it is, it immediately goes back on the shelf.  I already know this will irritate my skin and most skin types. The other thing I look for is if the products have oil or mineral oil in them. I do not tolerate mineral oil or botanical oils well at all. Looking on the back of the packaging I didn't find any mineral oil. I did see that it had Cetearyl Alcohol (Emulsifier).  I really was considering putting this product back on the shelf. I don't like to see alcohol of any kind in facial products but I went against my own rules and got it anyway to see if it would effect my skin. The moisturizer didn't have alcohol and had pretty basic ingredients that I didn't think my skin would react with. 

The trial began 2 weeks ago now and I have been using these wipes and moisturizer every day to clean and moisturize my face. I can honestly say that I have no had a reaction at all to either of the two products that I tested. These products have been by far the best drugstore brand I have tried and I will continue to purchase these products for my very sensitive skin. I love that they are fragrance free since that is usually where alcohol comes into play in skincare. My skin doesn't tolerate most fragrance mainly in facial products.  I have had great luck with these products and would definitely recommend them to others. If you are looking for a new drugstore skincare brand I really felt that Simple Skincare lived up to its name and was great for my sensitive skin.